Template talk:MainPage/Summary

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Sorry Filippo, I think we stepped on each others toes!

I added a 'Kick Off Association' category. Should it replace KOA? --Jesper 19:42, 20 Apr 2005 (CEST)

mmm there's already a page with all the article ordered in alphabetic order. Now the page seemes all messed up with no logic order. I prefer:

  1. Kick Off History
  2. Kick Off Series
  3. Dino Dini's Games

  1. Competitions
  2. Hardware & Emulators
  3. Tutorials & Guides

  1. Kick Off Remakes
  2. KOPIA - Kick Off Preservation International Association
  3. KORPS - Kick Off Research Project Society

3 logic logic sections in order of relevance:

  1. old games
  2. section for active players
  3. active projects

maybe some months before the world cup, with the increasing interest of the gathering, we should put on top (competitions - hardware -tutorials) AlSO KORPS, Soccer 3, throw-in should increase the importance in the future but for a start the wiki has to be kick-off (KOA) focused what do u think??

  • Kick Off Association (don't like it, it's redundant, this is a wiki about some special games, not about KOA)
  • KOA Forums (??? we have only one forum and it's already linked everywere in the wiki)
  • KOA History (??????)
  • KOA Hall of Fame (great! rename it to "Hall of fame" and put it into "Competitions")
  • KOA Glossary (great!!)
  • KOA Quotes · (great!!!)

Mainpage Organisation

Okay. At first I failed to se the logic. Makes more sence now :)

Regarding the KOA category the idea was to have some info about KOA.

  • KOA Forums - info about the forums and not another forum - anyway not very important now.
  • KOA History - the history of KOA. Interesting enough I think.

I would suggest to move remakes to the games section, since for example KO2002 is old whereas Soccer 3 is in development. Not sure where to put KOA in your logical organisation. How do you like this one:


  • Kick Off History
  • Kick Off Series
  • More Dino Dini Games (notice rename)
  • Kick Off Remakes

Getting Started

  • Hardware & Emulators
  • Tutorials & Guides


  • Competitions
  • Kick Off Association


  • KOPIA - Kick Off Preservation International Association
  • KORPS - Kick Off Research Project Society

(hint: you can sign you posts by pushing the signature button) --Jesper 20:47, 20 Apr 2005 (CEST)

you can put a KOA subcategory into kick off history, if there'll be enough interst and contributions we'll create a bigger section.

(Old Dino dini's games)

  1. Kick Off History
  2. Kick Off Series
  3. Other Dino Dini's Games

(games competitions and how-to)

  1. Competitions
  2. Hardware & Emulators
  3. Tutorials & Guides

(Research & development)

  1. Kick Off Remakes
  2. KOPIA - Kick Off Preservation International Association
  3. KORPS - Kick Off Research Project Society


  1. old dino dini's games - is just for newbies or not-expert members thus is on the top (more readable)
  2. competition how-to - is for medium expert and active members
  3. research & developm- this is for the elite- only for very skilled kickoffers and only for skilled developers/testers.

hopes all this makes more sense when soccer 3 and throw-in will be released (and maybe world of football...) we'll make some changes --filippodb 21:24, 20 Apr 2005 (CEST)

Okay. Makes sense (except Soccer 3 being old :)). I will leave it to you to make the changes. --Jesper 21:45, 20 Apr 2005 (CEST)

oh yes, soccer 3... anyway we don't have a lot of things to write about the game, it's there just to say to the visitors that Dino is coming back with a new game, when it'll be released we'll have to create a new section... --filippodb 22:55, 20 Apr 2005 (CEST)